注意事項 / Note:
- 如帳號連續1年未登入者,系統管理人得不經通知逕行停止使用該帳號,並將該帳號註記為離職。
- If an account has not been logged in for one year, the system administrator may suspend the account without notice and mark it as inactive.
- 若發現帳號不當使用(包括但不限於:冒名註冊、冒名頂用、填寫不實資料等),或持有人不符合申請資格,系統管理人得不經通知停止或註銷該帳號。
- If it is found that an account is used improperly (including but not limited to: registering under a false name, using a false name, filling in false information, etc.), or an account holder does not meet the application qualifications, the system administrator may suspend or cancel the account without notice.
- 如有帳號使用相關問題請洽系統管理員(reservation@iis.sinica.edu.tw, 02-2789-8726);如為設施使用相關問題,請逕洽詢各設施。
- If you have any questions about account use, please contact the system administrator (reservation@iis.sinica.edu.tw, 02- 2789-8726). If you have questions about facility use, please contact respective facility directly.